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  • Writer's pictureJoni Topper

What's in a Name?

"Your Family Name" by Nelle A. Williams

You got it from your father It was all he had to give So it's yours to use and cherish For as long as you may live If you lost the watch he gave you It can always be replaced; But a black mark on your name Can never be erased It was clean the day you took it And a worthy name to bear When he got it from his father There was no dishonor there So make sure you guard it wisely After all is said and done You'll be glad the name is spotless When you give it to your son.

This poem hung on the wall in our home for years. The engraved plaque was given to my husband by his mother. Occasionally I read it again and think about the importance of having a good name.

The parakeets in the next room chatter at each other all day every day. Their names are Coco and Peachy, although if you try to visualize what they look like their names will not even begin to lead you in the right direction. My granddaughter named them, and she must have had her reasons, but they could not have been connected to how the birds look. Peachy is bright lime green and yellow. Coco is pale blue and white. A name certainly might be derived from appearances but that’s not the case for these birds.

Sometimes a name reflects the hopes parents have for their children. Other times names are chosen to honor or “carry on” a family tradition. In the Bible, several times names were changed to reflect a radical shift in the life of a person. Today people are given nicknames to reflect their personality or even a fondness extended by others. Even the existence of a child is acknowledged in part by the bestowing of a name.

A friend recently googled to see what my name means. Joni is of Hebrew origin and means “God is gracious.” Joni is a version of Jane and is a feminine variant of John. My mother’s name was Jane. I wonder if she knew this. When she picked out my name,

there was no internet for reference. She did tell me that she liked the singer Joni Mitchell. I am a singer as well.

When I accepted Jesus as my savior, I took on a new name. The name of Christian, Christ follower, child of God. It is my favorite name. The inspiration for this song came in part from my husband's plaque.

Called by Your Name

Called by your name. Not my mother’s or father’s.

Called by your name. A child of God.

Called by your name. It’s my greatest honor

To be called by your name, counted as yours

Called by your name.

When I look for the meaning of my given name

I hear the hopes and dreams of Mom and Dad for me.

But when called by Your name, I stand in reverence

That one such as I could be counted on high

As one of Your own.

You say what’s in a name. Is there really such meaning?

Well, listen to some of the names my Lord has for me.

He says I am free, and strong and a work of art from His hands.

An heir, an unsinkable child of God, called by your name.

Called by your name. Not my mother’s or father’s.

Called by your name. A child of God.

Called by your name. It’s my greatest honor

To be called by your name, counted as yours

Called by your name.

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