When I was a kid my mom made me do all kinds of things. Brush my teeth, keep my room tidy, memorize scripture and practice the piano among other things. Because of those requirements on my daily life, I reaped some benefits.
My teeth are healthy. Maintaining a relatively neat home does not seem like an overwhelming task. Making decisions about my behavior is second nature thanks many of the scriptures I committed to memory. My personal enjoyment of the piano has been a source of joy in countless ways.
Did I like doing these things when I was a kid? Not always. Did I resent my mom for requiring me to do them? Not really, she was mom. Did I understand her reasons for making me conform to her requirements? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
When I became mature choosing who would be the boss of me became optional.
Life changing course direction emerges from small decisions. I could be in charge of me or I could choose a teacher. “The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.” (New International Version, Luke 6:40).
Jesus was a servant. Think about the benefits you gain as a servant in some areas of your life. As a parent. As a friend. As a teacher. As a neighbor. As a spouse, As an employee. As a craftsman.
Do I always choose servanthood for myself? Not always. Do I resent Jesus for requiring a servant’s heart? Not really, he’s in charge. Do I understand His purpose always? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Joshua 24:15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.

Consider that even in not choosing you have made a choice.